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Rewake App

An interactive alarm app that motivates the user to wakeup by reward points


Personal project


UX Research, UI Design, Prototyping, Motion & UsabilityTesting


UX /UI Designer

Time is important to us. That’s why we have been measuring it since ages. Alarm clocks remind us about the time for a particular purpose.
We generally use them on our mobile devices to wake up in the morning. How useful the alarm clock is, depends on our willingness to get up and start a productive day.

But are we all so motivated in life? Can our alarm clocks also motivate us to wake up everyday day?


What is Problem?

In our hectic life, we often feel exhausted and loose motivation to our dreams and goals. It also adversely affects our sleeping schedules and in turn we either feel very sleepy or it makes us so much sleepy that it creates a problem to wake up early morning. 

Why we need to Solve?

To make users feel motivated and give the willingness to get up and start their productive day. 

Design Approach

To solve the problem, I chose design thinking process which can give better approach towards solution

Design Thinking Process


According to research, motivation isn’t something that just comes to you and have to find it in passionate work aspects, things that interest you, make fun for you, or which makes you genuinely enjoy.

Lots of people set the alarm curiously with good intentions, knowing that the time they need to get up to meet the day's demands, but then the alarm clock seems to ring way before they're ready to rise, so they're hitting snooze and, eventually they either run late after waking up or they sleep as much as possible.

Understanding the user

1. Who are the users?

The audience is middle aged professionals and students who has their work-life balance in shatters and turbulent emotional state.

2. What experience do they have?

High pressure jobs, unstable work routines, loss of concentrations and motivation, no goals and plans,  stress in family due to pandemic situations.

5. What are their goals?

The main goal is to sleep calmly, track their sleep effectively and feel energetic through out their day

6. What functions do they need?

Some motivational feature, automated alarm clock, Voice alarm, quotes, daily affirmations

7. In what form do the need it?

3. What information do they need?

Mobile app or Alarm clock

About the importance of sleep, motivation in life, mental & physical health.

4. How do they think it should work?

This platform should be a guide, which should invoke motivation and trust which results in giving good hours of sleep.

Connecting the dots

Firstly, I started thinking about how the problem is connected with different parameters


Wants and needs

1. To wake up early 

2. To buy tech products

3. To exercise in the morning
4. To read books
5. To travel
6. To communicate with friends

7. Long weekend

Competitive Analysis

Listening to users I did a market analysis on existing products on particular categories

Competitive Analysis

User Interview 


  • What problems do you face while going for sleep?

  • Have you tried to solve these problem by any chance?

  • Do you atleast complete 7-8 hours of sleep daily?

  • What motivates you to wake up early morning?

  • What type of platform do you use to track your sleep?

  • Any app used earlier to keep you motivated?

  • What type of problems you faced in that app?

  • How do you feel about work-life balance?


8 Students


6 Professionals

Key Research Insights

After market research I chose to ask some concrete questions asked in survey and interviews with users and according to overall research done I got few key research insights as follows:


  1. Target users are professionals and students

  2. Due to pandemic and work stress, there is immense lack of motivation and goals in their life.

  3. Most important factor they need is motivation and good hours of sleep where they can track and analyze.

  4. Users are interested in automated voice over to wake them up


Persona 1

Vikalp S.

user 1

30 Years old, Male

map 1

Teir 1

briefcase 1

IT Engineer

heart 1



  • To take enough sleep and stay healthy

  • To travel and explore San francisco in 2021

  • To feel energetic and motivated

Persona 2

Sneha Karmarkar

user 2

24 Years old, Female

map 2

Teir 2

briefcase 2


heart 2



  • To get personal time

  • Enough work-life balance

  • Increased productivity in college work


I have a very work pressure, often I work late nights which made me demotivated.


  • Immense pressure of work 

  • Same routine and less interactions with people.

  • Frustrated in communications 


I need to manage my college lectures, assignments and also home chores 


  • Lack of sleep due to no goals

  • Irregularity in sleep routines

  • No time for family



1. What?

An gamified alarm app

4. When?

On daily basis

2. Who?

For Professionals and Students

5. How?

3. Why?

To make users feel motivated and  start their productive day. 

Through gamification technique and creating personalised goals


By gaining key research insights I got much clear picture to draw my ideas and define it particularly

Octalysis Framework in system

The Octalysis Framework is a human-centric gamification design framework that lays out the eight core drives for humans motivations.

Octalysis Framework

1. Accomplishment & Development

In this drive, the user focuses on developing and finding his skills which eventually overcome the challenge by achievements of badges or trophies. So I used this in the app to go through their stages of sleep where they can track their sleep, after completion of sleep on weekly basis, they will be rewarded with some reward points

2. Ownership & Posession

In this drive, the user focuses on owning the process. They feel they own something, and hence they feel motivated & innately wants to make what they own better and own even more. So I used this drive to make them more motivated towards their specific goals, take ownership and customize their way of looking towards their goal. 


The reason for using octalysis framework is to emphasise more on human motivation. The benefits are, the user will optimize their feelings, motivations, and engagement

How Might We

How might we motivate users to create their goals

- Gamification

- Sharing achievements on 
   social media platforms

In app notifications

- Motivational content

- AI based recommendations

- Pre-defined questionnaire

How might we help users to track their sleeping schedules

- Sleep tracker

- Analytics on daily/weekly 

Bedtime stories

- Sleeping schedules

- Sleep reports

How might we increase  users productivity

- Pre-planning of whole day

- AI based activities


- Progress

- Rewards

- Ownership on goals

Revenue Model

Revenue Model

Task Analysis

Task Analysis


Based on features and task list I created concepts and iterated wireframes to get further on UI Designs

Onboarding experience with some nice interactions

Here I kept 3 minimal screens for the user which focusses on the 3 most important things viz. goals, motivation and achievements


Questions to set your goal

I chose context-based questions in which I got insights from user's wants and needs.

User Interface 1

Delightful responses and intuitive interface

If you wake up, you will get rewarded each day

When the user checks the screen in the morning, he should be curious and should feel motivated to wake up early morning with few reward points which can be earned daily as the weekly cycles get completed. Created micro-interactions and CTA with context to give the entire super cool achievements to the user

User Interface 3

List of unique pocket goals and reward tracking journey

The alarm list is also a reminder to track user's rewards and know the overall goal. They can add or edit the list of alarms here. The reward section tracks sleep schedules which they have kept for their goals. I put the gamification technique here so that they will get engage in their journey of goals. Not only they are completing goals but they are tracking their sleep cycles for days/weeks. This fun-loving technique hooks users with the achievement and ownership towards the goals

User Interface

Customised way to set and edit goals based on preferences

The drive of ownership always gives the idea of fulfilment and taking ownership towards a specific goal. This can lead the user to put their customised features to rely on. Also, to maintain consistency and healthy sleep cycles this app can notify unique quotes before sleep to boost the motivation towards their goal and a healthy lifestyle

User Interface


Usability Testing



3 Students


4 Professionals


1. To identify the usability
    problems faced by user in app

2. To gain feedback on possible glitches


1. How easy did you find this app to use?

2. What do you loved the most?

3. What did you hate the most?

4. Which feature did you find most useful?

5. Any suggestion/comments you feel to add?


User Testing
User Testing


The overall process and the drives that were chosen to fulfil goals is to motivate the user. The struggle or challenge to wake up early morning will help them to align with daily goals day-by-day and it will be gradual. Also, focussing on physical and mental health this app is super-efficient in the pandemic situation as more people will use it to make a healthy lifestyle.

Next Project


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